• More Than Just Words

    For evil to triumph, it only needs that the good do nothing.

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.

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The London Olympics and the Need For Thinking in Advance

This post, as with others on this blog, is not intended to contain all the data there is on the subject covered. What I hope to present is an overview through which it will be possible to gestalt the situation. Links are provided throughout…, for a reason, (links with an asterisk are essential reading). Without the data accessed through them, the picture you’re left with is still general, albeit valuable. The ramifications of the information provided here have the potential to affect every one of us. I wouldn’t have spent as much time as its taken to put this together to do so if I didn’t consider it important. An official is quoted herein as saying that this, the Olympics, will be a defining moment. Read this and you’ll see how much of a defining moment it could turn out to be. Forewarned is forearmed.

Read it, save it, share it.

This post was inspired on reading a message that’s doing the rounds. The message comes from a campaign called One Voice For The Kids and calls for a national blockade of principle UK major roads on the 25th of July. The stated intention of the action is to “bring about justice for our children and those victims of illegal practices performed by statutory bodies”.

Now whilst I would agree that the Social Services System needs reforming, and that Social Services need to be made accountable for their inappropriate conduct (to put it mildly), I’m not sure that a blanket blockading of motorways and A-roads is the best way to move such a campaign forward. As it happens, I’m all for such type of direct action and have engaged in a few myself over the last twenty some years (as a passive observer of course!) The main reason for my reluctance in this instance is based on the timing, the 25th of this month, two days before the beginning of the London Olympics.

It could be said that the date is perfectly timed for maximum disruption and thus would achieve its aim quickly. I would agree that the shutting down of major UK roads two days before the Olympics would be likely to provoke a swift reaction from the authorities, but feel that would be just the excuse for them to establish a high level of security control prior to the start of the games. When I say ‘high level of control’ I mean the enforcing of those unsettling parts of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act and the Anti-Terrorist Act that allow the government to arrest, detain, hold, exclude, restrict, et cetera, ad nauseum. I’m also thinking about the 2006 London Olympic Games Act which empowers not only the army and police, but also private security forces to deal with “security issues” using physical force. These “security issues” have been broadly defined to include everything from “terrorism” to peaceful protesters, to labour unions, to people selling bootleg Olympic products on the streets, to taking down any corporate presence that doesn’t have the Olympic seal of approval. To help them with the last part, there will be “brand protection teams” set loose around the city. These “teams” will also operate inside Olympic venues to make sure no one “wears clothes or accessories with commercial messages other than the manufacturers who are official sponsors”. It has been pointed out that the powers were so broad they would potentially give private contractors the right to forcibly enter people’s homes and seize materials.

To get an idea of how hyped up the authorities are you only have to look at the ‘preparations’ in and around London, which feature as many as 48,000 security forces. 13,500 troops (more than Britain has in Afghanistan), surface-to-air missiles stationed on top of residential buildings, an aircraft carrier in the Thames. There’s also the mentioned, but as yet unconfirmed, deployment of the Active Denial System (ADS) type of non-lethal weapon that uses microwaves to cause intense pain at distance, brought to you, if we’re going to be corporate, by those pioneers of peace, Raytheon, who incidentally could be the makers of the drone planes that will be cruising the skies above London. Combat helicopters. An 18-kilometre electrified fence, ringed with trained agents and 55 teams of attack dogs. Add to that “scanners, biometric ID cards, number-plate and facial-recognition CCTV systems, disease tracking systems, new police control centres and checkpoints” (obviously some of those having already been in place for some time), and I think it safe to assume that even the slightest action or provocation of any sociopolitical kind will trigger an extreme, over-the-top reaction.

A recent incident demonstrates my point. On Thurs 5th  July, on the UK’s M6 motorway, near Lichfield, Staffordshire, the kind of public alertness that anti-terrorist investigators encourage led to the evacuation of 48 passengers from a coach and the closure of the motorway for seven hours, when a passenger apparently mistook a fake, electronic cigarette that gave off a vapour for a bomb.

The alarm was raised when a passenger saw an individual, described as of Asian appearance, pouring what they believed was liquid into a bag that was emitting vapours, the police said. The passenger alerted the driver, who called the police.

A full multi-agency response was put into motion, with an army bomb disposal team, a chemical and biological weapons team, armed police, counter-terrorism officers, ambulance and fire crews, called to the scene.

Many are the clamouring voices saying that the Security Service’s response was appropriate in order to prevent what could have been a………(fill in the dramatic noun of your choice). Shazia Mirza’s comment piece in The Guardian tackles the same point saying, “Of course people will say the police had to take the threat seriously and react quickly, but it wasn’t so long ago that the police thought they were nipping a terrorist attack in the bud but ended up shooting an innocent Brazilian dead.”

Mirza’s piece, Megabus scare: where there’s smoke, beware of brown men on buses (which is well worth a read) highlights a too-little discussed aspect of the situation, racial stereotyping. The presence of such meaning that “being a brown man at an airport automatically makes you suspicious, and that being a brown man with a rucksack on the tube means you get a whole carriage to yourself.”

To those who would disagree, scoff, or otherwise contradict the above, I say, check this out:

For a larger view, click on the image

Racial stereotyping has been the case in the context of ‘the terrorist threat’ for sometime now. Again, as Miza comments “the person who alerted the police must have thought: brown face + smoke = terrorist. That’s like saying white hair + leprechaun T-shirt = IRA. But we no longer fear people who look like Father Ted, we fear people who looked like a tanned-up version of Jesus. My Irish friends are sitting at home thinking, “Well at least it’s not us” and who can blame them. There was a time when being Irish meant you were guilty – all of you. The Birmingham six and the Guildford four weren’t guilty, they were Irish.”

Recently though, the stereotype profile being promoted is that of the ‘radicalised homegrown terrorist’. Once was a time when the likelihood of radicalisation was anticipated predominantly from Asian Muslims, as the above Metropolitan Police poster blatantly implies. In fact, in April 2007 the £12.5m Home Office funded-project, Channel, was set up as part of the government’s wider Prevent counterterrorism programme. The project encouraged teachers and community leaders to identify and report Muslim teenagers and others they suspected to be at risk of becoming radicalised. If a child returned from a visit to, for instance, Pakistan or India, expressing increased religious and/or political views, teachers were expected to report them to a board run by government counterterrorism agencies. In the first 20 months of its operation 228 people aged 15 to 24 and nearly all male were identified as potential terrorists at risk of radicalisation and referred to the police.

Since then the stereotype has widened to include a “new wave of UK youths with links to the African continent (Somalian/Nigerian, etc,) who could now be radicalised and mobilised.” The targeted racial groups recently gained some company under the “domestic extremists” umbrella, this time company not tarred with the ‘Islamist” brush. In fact, since last year, the reached of the umbrella has widened considerably.

The increasing use in the news media of the label “domestic extremists”  has arisen within a developing pattern of ‘domestic terrorists’ or ‘domestic extremists’ representing the baddies in other mainstream media settings. A classic case in point, there are several, but for the sake of brevity I’ll cover this one, is the new Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises.

Scott Creighton has written several articles analysing and commenting on the purposeful drift within the Batman movies to identify the villains of the films as what would be known in these days of Occupyspeak as the 99%…us, in other words.

Boycott the Batman: The Dark Knight Trilogy Turns on Us

Oh Lookie: Yet Another Batch of White Guy “Terrorists” (The New Batman Must Be Coming Out Soon)

Boycott the Batman: New Posters Pit the Elites and the Military Against Us

In them he describes how he takes exception to Director Christopher Nolan’s ‘rewriting of the Batman story to turn all of the super-villains into nothing more than radicalized homegrown terrorists’, adding that he ‘especially didn’t like what he has done to the character of Bane [in the latest film] taking the monstrously massive freak of nature into nothing more than a drug addicted enemy belligerent who seeks to use terror to go after the 1%ers.’

(For larger views, click on the image)

Who is the superhero fighting? Super villains, or us?

The problem with this Nolan terrorist is that he is borne of us. He is not super human, he isn’t a monster… he’s the proletariat and the underclass in Nolan’s fast approaching class warfare storm.

Bane leading the rabble against the billionaire Dark Knight and the forces of the establishment. Notice the coat Bane is wearing, style circa French Revolution

Bane is the terrorist stereotype that all the establishment dreads when the working classes decide they have had enough and dare to stand together, to rise.

The billionaire elites march into battle against us with the military at their side.

Predictive programming, pure and simple. (Predictive programming has been defined as “a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by society leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarised with them and will accept them as ‘natural progressions’, as Alan Watt calls it; thus lessening any possible public resistance and commotion.” A future post will go into more detail on the topic.)

Meanwhile, I think this a good point to remind that in December 2011, in its “Terrorism/Extremism Update”,  a letter warning businesses about potential terrorist threats, City of London police listed Occupy London under the heading “Domestic Terrorists”.

Going back to the call for a national road blockade. I’ll say it again, I do think there is a need for Social Services abuses to be investigated, rectified where possible, and stopped. But I wonder about potential deeper reasons behind the call.

At first glance, the ‘team’ that run One Voice For The Kids seem to be what it says on the tin, but unless one has personal knowledge of the group as a group and/or individuals therein, I think it only sensible to question. At the end of the day, unless you know them, they’re just names on a screen. To my mind, the call for a road blockade came from an anonymous source. There may be a web presence with a list of organisation member names, but that doesn’t make them any less anonymous to me, or make their motives any more transparent. (Some thoughts on anonymity and Anonymous can be read in An Anonymous Tip)*


Update (12.07.12)

A couple of days ago, the name Lee Hazledean appeared in the national and alternative media. Hazledean, the pseudonym of a whistleblower claiming to be a well known journalist for a London TV Show, revealed that he had infiltrated the notorious private security company G4S which is currently running security in the lead up to the Olympics.  Apart from his view that security training and officers were so appalling that the safety and security of the London 2012 Olympics was in jeopardy, some of the things he reported such as “200,000 casket linings” could be explained away as prudent precautionary measures. (The so-called casket linings have elsewhere been described as plastic coffins and connected with the type of coffin seen in the now operational FEMA camps in America.) Some other things such 100,000 extra UN troops  needed explanation.

Following on from that, today’s news reports are of G4S admitting it wouldn’t be able to supply all 10,000 security staff to patrol the Olympics. Instead, thousands of troops will be stepping in, many who have just returned from Afghanistan. Curiously, the actual number of troops who will be deployed in addition to the 38,000 already scheduled varies considerably from media outlet to media outlet. Whatever the number, its maybe fortunate then that, if ‘Hazledean’ was correct, there were already 100,000 troops coming in via Woolwich barracks made up of regular British Forces, American regular army and European troops, under the direction of the United Nations.


Back to the Olympics. For sometime now there’s been background information and speculation about the event being passed around the Internet. The presence of so much ‘smoke’ has moved me to look to see whether there is a fire, a smokescreen, or if its the condensation from too much hot air. Disturbingly, there appears to be the smouldering beginnings of what could become a conflagration, literally.

Against the security backdrop described above, there are those who have pointed out that the scene has been set for another state false flag incident. For those with more time on their hands than I have, there’s a mountain of data produced with search terms like ‘London Olympics false flag’. It wouldn’t be the first time, rather it would follow a pattern that stretches back a long way.

Below is a video that recently caught my attention. It’s the official Chinese Euro 2012 promotion video. Make of it what you will.

As I said, there’s a mountain of data available, but at the end of the day, it’s all speculation. Apart from the possible advantage gained in persuading one to be anywhere other than London whilst the Olympics are on, and other ‘just in case’ preparations, another benefit from reviewing the projections and predictions could come in the event of something actually happening (which to be honest, after trawling through reams of data, I can’t see not). As we’ve seen time and again, and as history shows, ‘terror’ events always precede the imposition of aggressive legislation, domestic security control, and/or international military action. Foreknowledge of predictions of possible scenarios enable you to, as Kipling said,  ‘keep your head when all about you are losing theirs’.

One of the most well-known researchers who have developed theories regarding the Olympics was Rik Clay. Following the release of his thesis through his blog and an interview on an internet radio show, Clay died suddenly. The verdict of suicide has been challenged by some. It may be that he took his life with his own hand, but as you will read there is current technology that could easily be used to drive someone to such an act.

An ebook of Clay’s work regarding the London Olympics, London – Zion – 2012 are you ready for the Grand Illusion? can be downloaded from here*, one of the few places it is available. It contains a generous helping of those trigger words that get skeptics knees jerking and, although there are too few source references for my liking, the research is wide-ranging and in-depth. He connects dots that, whilst valid data in themselves, I wouldn’t necessarily have connected in the same way. but, and this is important,  it’s not essential that people reading it accept anything he writes. I’ll say that again, it doesn’t matter what you feel or think about the material. To me the value of the book lies in, as I say, foreknowledge of predictions of possible scenarios. The same seems to have been in Clay’s mind when he stated, “I shall start by stating my intentions. With my research, I do not intend to cause panic or fear, or to create a platform for prejudice and hate. I publish these views in order to simply raise awareness. To raise awareness on the grounds, that if indeed something does transpire during the London Olympics 2012, you can observe the event with a critical eye. It is my intention to ensure we shall not be duped!”

One of the predictions put forward by Clay is a staged alien invasion, featuring UFOs which would be made to appear courtesy of highly refined holgraph technology, which would be used at that time to unite humanity against the perceived common enemy. A wide variety of sociopolitical researchers are unanimous in their belief that the ‘endgame’ target of the world controller’s is a one world government along with a single religion and a single currency.

The concept of a single currency has already moved out of the realm of speculation into the everyday speech of economists who seem keen to point out that such would solve current global financial problems.

It’s safe to say that a stereotypical terrorist attack is no longer sufficient to implement a global unification strategy. As Rik Clay says, an event is required with the magnitude of a biblical second coming, or a threat from outer-space.

Is that too far-out for you? In June former UK Ministry of Defence UFO expert Nick Pope publicly stated that massive summer events like the Olympics would be a prime time for an alien encounter, He warned: ‘With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable.”

He went on to say,  ‘The government must – and has planned – for the worst-case scenario: alien attack and alien invasion.

‘Space shuttles, lasers and directed-energy weapons are all committed via the Alien Invasion War Plan to defence against any alien ships in orbit. The TA and the Reserves would be called out and conscription potentially introduced.

Now, up to this point, any claims made by individuals regarding UFOs has been rubbished by the establishment and its media mouthpiece, yet here is a government ‘expert’ making projections in a matter-of-fact way as if the existence of extraterrestrials were an accepted given.  Also remember what I said about predictive programming? If not, go back and read it, this is important. Talking of predictive programming, have you seen the official Olympic promotional films, the little one-eyed aliens Wenlock and Mandeville series? The mini UFOs flying around London? Check ’em out.

It may seem unrelated at first but, for a number of years, people around the world have been investigating the regular spraying of chemicals in the skies around the globe. There are a variety of reasons put forward for the practice commonly known as ‘chemtrail spraying’, some official, some independently researched and some speculated. Again, there is a mountain of publicly-available data (of varying quality) and several documentaries, What in the World are they Spraying? and Don’t Talk About the Weather being two such. After looking into the issue, I would say that there was no single reason for the spraying, that it appears to have multiple applications.

In the context of this post, the article Weather Modification – Demystifying Chemtrails with Scientific Proof* has the following to say:

This isn’t just a random occurrence. What I believe ‘they’ are doing is spraying this chemical into the upper atmosphere so that nanocrystals grow just under the sodium layer in the atmosphere allowing the holographic projections to be 100% more effective. Others have suggested that these chemtrails are for weather modification, allowed HAARP to be more precise and efficient, and even more have further suggested it is ‘them’ spraying us with diseases. The science points to the theory that ‘they’ are spray painting the sky into a movie screen.

The following patent details are provided:


http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADD001671 or http://library.binarydissent.com/3899144_POWDER_CONTRAIL_GENERATION.pdf

Light scattering pigment powder particles, surface treated to minimize inparticle cohesive forces, are dispensed from a jet mill deagglomerator as separate single particles to produce a powder contrail having maximum visibility or radiation scattering ability for a given weight material.



In conjunction with the DNA barium releases, Avefria I and II, an experiment was undertaken to determine if radio communication was possible off the base of a striated plasma created by these barium releases. A transmitting station was set up to broadcast a steady signal at two HF frequencies toward the base of the barium striations and two receiving stations listened for signal returns on the two frequencies. (The chosen geometry prevented reflections off the sides of the barium cloud from affecting the experiment). One station heard substantial returns while the other heard nothing. Data from the first station provide an estimate of the reflection cross sections for the base of the striated barium cloud. The negative result from the second station arises partly from limited sensitivity of equipment but the upper limit on cross section was less than that seen from the first station. This suggests a directional character for the signal reflected from the base of the cloud.




A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth’s surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region.

US Army Research Laboratory briefing February 2009 (declassified) 3-D Holographic Display Using Strontium Barium Niobate


An innovative technique for generating a three-dimensional holographic display using strontium barium niobate (SBN) is discussed. The resultant image is a holograph that can be viewed in real time over a wide perspective or field of view (FOV). The holographic image is free from system-induced aberrations and has a uniform, high quality over the entire FOV. The enhanced image quality results from using a phase-conjugate read beam generated from a second photorefractive crystal acting as a double pumped phase-conjugate mirror (DDPCM). Multiple three-dimensional images have been stored in the crystal via wavelength multiplexing.

So, the above shows how it’s possible to project holographic images onto the layer that’s been artificially created in the ionosphere.

Twenty years ago Quebecian Serge Monast warned of a technology that fits the description of the above, which he called Project Blue Beam (sometimes written as Bluebeam). Description of the four-stage project includes reference to technologies that employ electromagnetic radiation of gigahertz frequencies (microwaves) and other extremely low frequencies (ELF, VLF and LF). The process employed by such ELF technology are described in various US Defense Department publications, including one entitled, ‘ The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict,’ by Captain Paul E. Tyler, Medical Commandant, US Navy, which is included in a collection entitled, ‘Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology Edict,’ by Lt. Col David G. Dean, USAF. The paper was delivered in 1984 and the collection published 1986 by Air University Press, Maxwell Airforce Base, Alabama.

This type of weaponised technology was first reported in action in the Gulf War in 1991.

(March 23, 1991) ITV News Bureau, Ltd. –Sources in Dhahran today revealed what might have been the true reason for the seemingly illogical and apparently suicidal attack by Iraqi troops on the deserted city of Al-Khafji, located just 12 miles south of the Kuwaiti border. The report indicates that the top priority objective of the Iraqi strike across the border was a successful attempt to destroy a small, portable FM radio station that had been installed on the roof of the tallest building in the town of Al-Khafji by the U. S. Defense Department’s PsyOps Branch.

With the destruction of Saddam Hussein’s military command and control system, communications with Iraqi troops in Kuwait are now largely carried out in a very primitive manner by utilizing Iraq’s commercial FM radio stations located in the small Iraqi towns adjacent to Kuwait’s western border. Military orders are encoded and then transmitted by Baghdad’s military FM radio station YIHS. These signals are received and re-broadcast, in turn, by designated FM stations located between Baghdad and the Kuwaiti border until the programming arrives at the designated “control” station of the day which then broadcasts directly to the troops in Kuwait on exactly 100.00 MHz (megahertz), which is continuously monitored by all.

In order to nullify this Iraqi military line of communications (LOC), the U. S. PsyOps organization attached to the U S Central Command in Dhahran installed a portable FM broadcast transmitter, a gasoline-electric generator and a continuous tape recording system on top of the tallest building in the deserted city of Al-Khafji. The station transmitted on 100.00 MHz and its power output was adjusted to cover up the transmission of the Iraqi station operating on exactly the same frequency.

The clandestine station programming consisted of patriotic and religious music and intentionally vague, confusing and contradictory military orders and information to the Iraqi soldiers in the Kuwait Theater of Command (KTO).

The size and power of enemy forces was always intentionally exaggerated. Surrender was encouraged.

According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralising programming was the first known military use of the new, high tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ulta-high frequency “Silent Sounds” or “Silent Subliminals”. (See Newsweek, July 30th, 1990, Page 61.)

Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by PsyOps psychologists were clearly perceived by the subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralised them and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds.                                                                                Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Since then there have been reports of technology that fits the bill being deployed in civilian settings. I’d also remind you of the Raytheon Active Denial System and LRAD technology* mentioned earlier.

As I pointed out in Psyclone, this technology allows one to record specific human emotion and broadcast it. For example, the brain patterns of one experiencing fear and insecurity could be extrapolated and recorded, and then be transmitted to other people. The transmission would trigger the same emotion in the other person who, if the frequencies were modulated along a frequency below or above human audibility, would presume the feelings to be coming from themselves.

The abstract of the “Silent Subliminal Presentation System” patent* reads:

“A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.”

So, the possibility of an “event with the magnitude of a biblical second coming, or a threat from outer-space”  isn’t so far out after all.

But a “biblical second coming”?

Another part of Serge Monast’s Project Blue Beam revelations (published in 1996) dealt with the religious aspect of the new world order and its deception and seduction on a massive scale. According to Monast, the deception will consist of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the specific national, regional religion. Not a single area will be excluded. With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality.

Then the projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one after correct explanations of the mysteries and revelations will have been disclosed. This one god will explain that the various scriptures have been misunderstood and misinterpreted, and that the religions of old are responsible for turning brother against brother, and nation against nation, therefore old religions must be abolished to make way for the new age new world religion, representing the one god they see before them.

A little thought presents the possibility that elements of the above could be configured slightly differently to achieve the same aim.

Sounds wacky, I know, but I hope that after reading what came before the preceding paragraphs there are a lot less knees jerking. But as I said before, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. At least now, after reading the above, if something that’s described in this post does happen, (anytime, not just over the Olympics), you won’t be so easily taken in by the official narrative.

Knowledge is power. Your ignorance is their bliss

2 Responses

  1. These are interesting, heavily researched, and detailed posts. Unfortunately, due to their book-like length, they will probably attract few readers. I think people MUCH prefer posts of less than 1,000 words. (This would get you about to the “anti-terrorist hotline poster in this post.)

    Thanks for all the effort!

    • Thanks for the acknowledgment and the advice. As far as the ‘book-like length’ goes, that’s a result of how much information is being kept from people. I’m also a writer, and this blog an aspect of the multimedia project that’s grown up around the novel Psyclone. The whole point of writing Psyclone was to connect people with little-known and/or suppressed information, which I did using an 86 page appendix containing over 200 entries with links. You’re right though, most prefer their data in (sound)byte-sized pieces.

      There’s also a neurological process that can affect us all, which gets in the way of our taking in information that challenges our existing beliefs or worldview. My hope is that cognitive dissonance can be minimised, not to mention the pathological skeptics silenced, by providing research that supports what can seem really far-out statements.

      Thanks again,

      Shyam Mael

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